Today, we launched our first Cyber Monday sale

Austin Simmons with Autumn Gwinn, the two chapter organizers for our Springfield, Illinois chapter wearing vegan apparel

At Project Animal Freedom, we pride ourselves on selling stunning, vegan-themed apparel that promotes a cruelty-free world. We believe that by wearing one of our designs, you can tip the scales in favor of animal freedom. And to help do just that, we are offering a 15% discount on all our products through the end of Tuesday, December 6th.

If you can wear any shirt, tank top, or hoodie, why not one that promotes a more just society for all animals? You can raise awareness, fight oppression, and make a difference simply through the clothing you choose to wear. Project Animal Freedom is your source for apparel that can change the world—for all animals!


Today, we celebrate GivingTuesday


Our website is now live!