2021 and PAF: A Year of Dramatic Growth

At Project Animal Freedom, we are dedicated to building a fully vegan Midwest by 2056 through a strategic, chapter-based system.

Over the past year, we have made enormous progress toward this ambitious goal, growing our member base dramatically, reaching millions of people on social media, and launching our first two chapters outside the state of Missouri—one in Lincoln, Nebraska, and another in Springfield, Illinois.

Here are just a few snapshots of the remarkable progress we have made in 2021 thanks to supporters like you:

  • We gained at least one person on our mailing list from 46 US states and just over 50 countries, demonstrating our ability to build a movement far beyond our headquarters here in St. Louis

  • We launched our first chapter outside Missouri in Lincoln, NE, where our Lead Organizer, Alex Gewecke, has built a community from four people to nearly 200 members in just five months, revealing the strength of our novel community-building strategy

  • We reached 12.1k followers on Facebook, a considerable achievement given there are multimillion-dollar animal rights organizations with less than half our following

In addition, we hosted six events to which over 100 people RSVPed, recruited several new interns, tripled our annual budget relative to last year, quadrupled the size of our team, and produced our first viral post, reaching over 2.4 million people with a message of compassion for all sentient beings, no matter how “different” they seem from us.

But we need your help to keep our momentum going.

It is no secret that animal rights is the pariah of the social justice community. It is also no secret that our movement is critically underfunded, understaffed, and underdeveloped. Yet our movement has the potential to liberate millions upon millions of animals, both human and more-than-human, from needless suffering.

Please help us realize the pent-up potential of the animal rights movement by supporting our efforts here across the Midwest. Your support will enable us to continue organizing successful events like our Worldwide Vegan Climate March, launch chapters across the Midwest to amplify our impact, and undertake more hard-hitting campaigns like our Plant-Based Pledge.

A fully vegan Midwest by 2056 is indeed possible—if only given the proper funding, leadership, and guidance. What are you waiting for? Help us revolutionize the Midwest, one city at a time!


Reparations: A Social Justice Imperative


Are reparations to African people fanciful speculation?