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"Countdown to Year Zero" Screening!

Countdown to Year Zero, a vegan documentary about the environmental impact of animal agriculture

Join us as we watch the award-winning documentary, “Countdown to Year Zero!” Produced by Jane Velez-Mitchell, this poignant 53-minute film is a wake-up call about the connection between animal agriculture and the ecological emergency facing all life on Earth.


Animal agriculture is causing unprecedented damage to our environment, with cataclysmic impacts being felt around the globe. From climate change and land destruction to habitat loss and ocean dead zones, “Countdown to Year Zero” shows the clear links between the meat and dairy industries and our race toward irreversible ecological disaster.

But it’s not too late—yet. “Countdown to Year Zero” explains that as we move away from our dependency on animal products and towards a sustainable, plant-based diet, our personal choices can have an impact on the future of our planet. Featuring interviews with leading environmentalists, social media activists, and powerful footage from demonstrations around the world, the film makes the point that we all have a responsibility to protect the world our children will inherit.

February 28

"The Invisible Vegan" Screening!

April 4

"Eating Our Way to Extinction" Screening!