Today, we celebrate GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday banner that reads vegan Midwest 2056

At Project Animal Freedom, we have a bold vision: a fully vegan Midwest.

In 2022, we made significant progress toward this goal. From hosting dozens of impactful events to launching four new chapters, we laid the groundwork for a Midwestern animal rights revolution.

Here are just a few snapshots that highlight our impact this year:

  • We reached over 1.5 million people through Facebook alone

  • People spent 112,100 minutes watching our pro-vegan videos

  • We mobilized 231 cities in 56 countries through our first worldwide day of action

We also hosted 12 events with 1,000 or more RSVPs, reached over 200,000 people through our Vegan Climate Summit, and recruited organizers in over 50 cities in 13 countries for our Worldwide Vegan Climate March.

Despite this highly encouraging progress, one major hurdle remains: funding. We need your help to continue our rapid growth across the Midwest and beyond. We need your help to build a resilient animal rights network that spans far beyond our headquarters in St. Louis.

With your support, we can build thriving animal rights communities in every major Midwestern city. We can fund worldwide events that mobilize hundreds of cities and thousands of activists. We can build the mass movement needed to not only realize a fully vegan Midwest by 2056, but also achieve a fully vegan world.

What are you waiting for? This GivingTuesday, help us revolutionize the Midwest, one city at a time!


Today, we launched our first Cyber Monday sale